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Is Semen Good for the Skin and Hair?


Is semen good for the skin and hair? We dug out all the dirty details.

There are a countless number of hair and skin care products out now. Thousands of brands are constantly promoting their next new formula. It’s as if everyday someone comes out with a revolutionary product to improve your looks. With an array of strange procedures and routines, someone eventually asked: Is semen good for the skin and hair?

According to scientists, semen contains amino acids, calcium and fructose. These are extremely healthy ingredients, so it makes sense that it’s good for your hair and skin. Several studies even suggest that semen contains vitamins that promote hair growth. More specifically, there’s a component in semen called spermidine that has Vitamin E. This is especially good for eliminating wrinkles and blemishes. It doesn’t stop there. You know egg whites (the same thing you have for breakfast)? It contains proteins, which can also be found in semen. So technically, it also has benefits if you decide to ingest it…

Will it really work though? Is semen good for the skin or hair? From what we know, this creamy, gooey stuff is basically magic in a bottle. Well, not an actual bottle though, but you get the picture. Did we mention it’s also free? Plus, it’s the most natural beauty product you’ll ever use. Being dirty never felt so clean! In addition, a few beauty gurus suggest that semen could contain many cosmetic benefits. We broke down all the pros and cons of using semen for all you curious and brave souls.

When it comes to skin, semen can be your go-to remedy.

So is semen good for the skin? Semen contains a long list of extremely beneficial vitamins and proteins. To start with, it has Vitamin E. This is specifically good for moisturizing and softening skin, much like your favorite drugstore lotion.

Cum believers also claim that on top of being a great moisturizer, it has the potential to get rid of acne. This is mainly because of antioxidants and nutrients, like vitamin B12, that gets rid of acne-causing bacteria.

In addition to hydrating your skin, sperm contains vitamin C that can be used for chapped lips. Just rub some semen on your lips and watch it turn juicy and plump – step off Kylie Jenner!

That same hydration found in semen also helps tighten the skin. The result? It becomes an anti-aging face mask. A few companies in the U.S. and Norway are actually selling it as a topical facial cream that can cost from $125-250.

Women claim that it makes their hair soft and shiny.

So, we answered that one burning question: “Is semen good for the skin?“. But don’t forget it can also be used on your hair. Semen contains hyaluronic acid. This blocks DHT which stimulates the scalp for cells to multiply. That’s Einstein talk for: it promotes hair growth on your scalp.

Semen contains properties and vitamins that act as a hair mask. It may have the ability to moisturize your hair much like a leave-in conditioner. These nourishing properties can help protect the hair shaft while promoting healthy hair strands in the process.

We already know most dairy foods contain protein, but semen also has high doses of this. Protein is good for your hair, skin, nails and even teeth. So adding straight protein to your hair may welcome great results. Basically an all-in-one product, the only thing missing in semen is hair dye. Wouldn’t that make an amazing product for hair color trends?

How do I apply this to my skin?

Slowly open your laptop. Dim the lights. Take out some candles. Reach down there. Go crazy. The End.

We’re kidding.

The suggested method is to apply a generous amount or however much you can produce onto your face. You can rub it in just like any other face mask. Let it set on your skin for 20-30 minutes. Sit around and Netflix. Think about all the benefits you’re reaping in from this one random question you Googled: “Is semen good for the skin?“. After 20-30 minutes, your skin should have fully absorbed the semen. You should notice the results right away. Gently wash your face with cold water and wipe with a towel.

How do I apply this to my hair?

There really is no correct way to apply it to your hair. For a professional approach, salon companies have been utilizing animal semen as a hair-restoration remedy for years. In fact, it’s a common practice in several countries.

The most popular is bull semen because of its odorless nature. After it’s extracted from a bull, this semen is mixed with Katira plant extract for that perfect concoction. The idea being, protein from bull semen and Katira will complement existing proteins found in our molecules. This strengthens the texture of our hair further promoting healthy hair growth.

Normally, it’s prepared by first refrigerating the bull semen. Then, you’d apply it to your hair just like any other hair product.

You can swallow it too…

Semen is one giant multi-vitamin jam-packed with rich, nutritious goodness. Since it has protein, this aids in cell rejuvenation that could potentially promote hair growth. Semen also contains fructose sugars which are found in fruits. As we know, fruits are good for skin, nails and, of course, hair!

Before you start being the nasty boy or girl you are, make sure to get tested and have your partner tested. The tricky part about this research is mainly our fault, boys. There are a ton of myths about this topic. Men have been exaggerating this so-called research in order to convince their partners to receive that special sauce. As a result, there’s no clear result in approving or disproving the sperm’s benefits when digesting.

Don’t put that sex juice all over you just yet!

There are also just as many conflicting studies that go against this practice, and there’s still no conclusive scientific proof that this stuff works.

For instance, your diet plays a very important role in the condition of your sperm. If you’re diabetic or have high traces of acid in your sperm, the opposite side effect may happen to your skin. Instead of exfoliating dead skin cells, you’ll end up irritating your skin causing scars and acne. Another thing to consider is if you have very sensitive skin. Semen may irritate your skin rather than improving its condition. There also have been cases where people are actually allergic to semen. So upon contact to their skin and body they develop rashes and irritation.

For your hair it can also play a big risk depending on several factors (mainly the scalp). So treat it the same way you would your skin. In addition, if semen doesn’t work on your hair be prepared to smell like sex all day without any benefits. Just like any other cosmetic product, this will be a hit or miss.

Most importantly, we suggest using your own semen.

This ensures that you don’t catch any kind of sexually transmitted diseases. So don’t go around the streets asking for white sauce. Put in the work, and do it yourself. It’s a DIY not a group project.

Words by: Anton Puno

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